The Poetry Project

Ron Padgett

November 20, 2011

The Poetry Project’s Managing Director, Nicole Wallace, and Volunteer Archivist, Will Edmiston, interviewed Ron Padgett in his East Village apartment on November 20, 2011. Ron Padgett, b. June 17, 1942, was the first editor of The Poetry Project Newsletter (1972-1973) and The Poetry Project’s third Director (1978-1980).

Ron Padgett wished to make the following clarifications in regard to his oral history: He was The Poetry Project Newsletter editor from 1972-1973 and the Artistic Director from 1978-1980. Padgett’s second reference to moving on from being the Newsletter editor is actually in reference to leaving the directorship. And finally, the L&M Cafe referred to was on the corner of Second Avenue and 10th Street, New York City.

Oral History Project
