Poems and Texts

“Main thing I want to say is this” by Lee Ann Brown

Main thing I want to say is this

Main thug Inman to slay is dis
I and others of the We are having
A hard time getting out of bed
Much less to work much more to
Play / how to keep breathing is a real
Problem here for some even the Lucky
ones are having a hard time remembering
the gameplay plan so think of All the
Suffering yet again — I write this on
On my cracked phone between Lafayette
And Clinton Washington sombered and bored
Going to hear some very sad songs trans blue NC

Now calling all beloved community
Here we go into soft resistance complexity

Lee Ann Brown

Lee Ann Brown is the author of five books of poetry, most recently Other Archer which was published in the “To/Jusqua” series of the University Press of Rouen and Le Havre in 2015. In 1987 she moved to New York City to work at The Poetry Project where she was the Monday Night coordinator from 1989-1991, and she has been a happy member of the community ever since. She is the founding editor of Tender Buttons Press, which is dedicated to publishing experimental women’s poetry and recently celebrated its 25th Anniversary with the publication of Tender Omnibus, co-edited with Katy Bohinc. Brown now teaches poetry at St. John’s University and likes to sing.

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