The Poetry Project


Kimberly Alidio & M. NourbeSe Philip

Watch video here


In work exalting the choral and the granular, the recorded and forgotten, the human and material afterlives of language, Kimberly Alidio and M. NourbeSe Philip guide us through constellations of counter-imperial relation. Frictive, attentive, combustive, and harmonious, their sweeping lyrics recompose the verbal strategies and stuff of colonial so-called order to channel wordways branching headlong for the future.


Enthusiastic readers and followers of Kimberly Alidio and M. NourbeSe Philip are encouraged to purchase their books

: once teeth bones coral : which is available for purchase from our friends at Belladonna* and why letter ellipses which is available for 30% off, and includes a free copy of "Moment's Omen" by Nathaniel Mackey, from selva oscura press with the discount code YLET20.

Zong! and She Tries Her Tongue, Her Silence Softly Breaks are both available from


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