The Poetry Project

Our time is not for suffering

Tim Carrier

Finally, I understand time :

The farther away we get from what happened, the more it means.

This is true of love as it is of pain.

What does that mean? The more it means.

It means we come into this earth/now dimension, & it’s so heavy. The energy is so dense.

The pressure from the stars…the atmosphere pressing us down—

First, we have to learn how to breathe here.

John Mack says, The lightness of the soul’s experience in the “spirit” or “other” realm—(our language fails us
here)—contrasts with the density of the physical body as experienced in the earth domain.

His patient Joe says, There is a golden thread that connects all life together.

He says, Many in this world have journeyed far from this connection.


To explore its outer limits.
To see how far from our source we can go.

Many are tired now, he says. We’re struggling back to our source.

I say, I am still learning how to breathe here.

Decades go by.

And then I’m surprised to find I’ve written in my notebook,

a day ago or the day before,

I can’t believe I get to be alive with you. Let’s stay under the sky a long time.

And that night our teacher Angel, in a little rectangle on the screen, says, Friends: we can write about our joy.

They’ve been foraging for love all along the forest floor. The giant trees.

They say,

Our time is not for suffering. We can write about our dreams.

Work from Foraging for Radical Intimacies in Writing with Angel Dominguez
