Ronaldo V. Wilson, PhD, is the author of Narrative of the Life of the Brown Boy and the White Man (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2008), winner of the Cave Canem Prize; Poems of the Black Object (Futurepoem, 2009), winner of the Thom Gunn Award for Gay Poetry and the Asian American Literary Award in Poetry; Farther Traveler: Poetry, Prose (Counterpath Press, 2014), finalist for a Thom Gunn Award for Gay Poetry; Lucy 72 (1913 Press, 2018); Carmelina: Figures (Wendy’s Subway, 2021); and the forthcoming Virgil Kills: Stories (Nightboat Books, 2022). Co-founder of the Black Took Collective, Wilson, too, is an interdisciplinary artist and Professor of Creative Writing and Literature at UC Santa Cruz.