Editor: Lynn Crawford
- Harry Mathews interviewed by Lynn Crawford
Book Reviews:
- A Form / Of Taking / It All by Rosemarie Waldrop; reviewed by Juliana Spahr
- A Free Man, by Lewis Warsh; reviewed by Vincent Katz
- Along the Rails by Elio Schneeman; reviewed by Mitch Highfill
- Imaginary Income by Maureen Owen; reviwed by Pat Nolan
- No (World Version) by Larry Price; reviwed by Avery E.D. Burns
- The Poetics of the Minds Eye: Literature and the Psychology of Imagination by Christopher Collins; reviewed by Jim Feast
- Values Chauffeur You and Democracy Assemblages by Andrew Levy; reviewed by Daniel Barberio
- Welcome to the Barbecue by Ron Kolm; reviewed by David L. Ulin
- "Holophrenia" by Ed Friedman
- "The Sun a Star" by Joshua Galef
- "Chimney" by John d. Greb
- "An Idea of Love" by Barbara Henning
- "Pastorale"by Daniel Krakauer
- "Playing Lady Fatima" by Sharon Mesmer
- "Sing Like Stephen Miller" by Stephen Paul Miller
- "Somnambulency" by Juraj Sipos
- "Seeds" by Hal Sirowitz
- "Orgie-Loves-Quickie" by Edwin Torres
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