Ivetta Sunyoung Kang is a conceptual artist, worker, researcher and poet currently based in Tkaronto/Toronto, Canada. They create project-based work woven across Canada, Germany and South Korea. Their interdisciplinary project-oriented work convolves and evolves simultaneously through conversations between projects, across cinema, video installation, poetics in anecdotes and marginalia in the un/archived, performance, site-specific installation-based responses and audiences’ participation. They carry curiosity with constant observations around post-colonial debris in search of unsettling/unsettled languages and unrealized emotions. They hold great interests in playing with friction, irony, paradox and absurdity found in the socio-cultural apparatus of knowledge production histories and industries and micro- and macro-ethnographical structures where individual utterances and recuperated semiosis have to re-join through poetics.They weave languages as the main medium through politics in poetics and poetics in politics.
Kang obtained a BFA in Film Production at Sang Myung University in South Korea and an MFA from Concordia University in Canada. They have presented internationally, including at the Smithsonian Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (2022), ArtScience Museum (2022), and Dazibao (2022), among others. They have participated in AiR programs such as at the AGO X RBC Artist-in-Residence at Art Gallery of Ontario (2022) in Canada and ZK/U in Germany, among others. Kang has been awarded the RBC Newcomer Arts Award (2021) and was shortlisted for the Simon Blais Award (2016). Kang has published two self-publication projects, Absent Seats (2019) and Tenderhands #1-100 (2022). Kang is a co-founding member of Quite Ourselves, an artist collective seeking sustainable mobility in life and art creation.