The Poetry Project

Four Pieces

Ivetta Sunyoung Kang

this is a scan of a piece of yellow-brown paper on which is written in black ballpoint pen: To sculpt the languge of your hands. 1. Sit and place your fingertips on the chest. 2. Make sure each of the fingertips firmly attaches to the chest. 3. Breathe in and out naturally. 4. Follow the breathing on the chest smoothly with your fingertips. 5. When you feel ready, see the fingers while keeping the shape taken from the breathing chest.
Instruction 101
this is a scan of a piece of yellow-brown paper on which is written in black ballpoint pen: To feel virtual connectivity. 1. Ask a random person passing by you on a random street to open one palm. 2. Ask the person to hold the palm facing your face. 3. Open your palm and face it to the person's face. 4. Try to see a detailed look of the thickness, most visible fingerprint of the person's palm. 5. Close your eyes and imagine there is a thread lingering in the air connecting your fingerprint and the person's.
Instruction 107
this is a scan of a piece of yellow-brown paper on which is written in black ballpoint pen: To properly answer a question such as, "Who are you?" or "where are you really from?" 1. F\a\c\e\ the P/e/r/s/o/n/ who asked these q\u\e\s\t\i\o\n\s\ in front of y/o/u/. 2. Look at y/o/u/r/ palms. 3. F\i\n\d\ how many forward-slashes and backslases y/o/u/ have on them. 4. Find those forward-slashes and backslashes create a v/a/r/i/e/t/y/ of fingerprints on y\o\u\r\ palms.
Instruction 108
this is a scan of a piece of yellow-brown paper on which is written in black ballpoint pen: To see the warmth summoning in your fingers. 1. Turn off all lights except for a table lamp. 2. Turn on the table lamp. 3. Bring your index finger under it. 4. See the skin part of the fingertip close by the light. 5. Find the pinkishly illuminating light penetrating through the fingertip.
Instruction 109

Tenderhands Project Instruction #101, 107, 108, 109

Work from We Are How We Live: Collectivity & Care In & Beyond the Household with Rebecca Teich
