A multi-disciplinary composer, poet and pianist, Janice A. Lowe is the author of LEAVING CLE poems of nomadic dispersal and the chapbook SWAM. Her musical theater compositions include Lil Budda, text by Stephanie L. Jones, Sit-In at the Five & Dime, libretto by Marjorie Duffield and Millie and Christine McKoy Sisters' Syncopated Sonnets in Song, text by Tyehimba Jess. Her multi-media work Desegregation Remix: 3 Women Sing the Borders is a collaboration with Lee Ann Brown. She teaches multi-media composition at Rutgers University, has taught in Naropa University's Summer Writing Program and performs with her band NAMAROON. She has composed and recorded with several experimental bands including: w/o a net, Digital Diaspora and HAGL. She is a co-founder of the Dark Room Collective. Lowe was a recent Fellow in Poetics and Poetic Practice at the Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing, University of Pennsylvania. She is a longtime music director at White Bird Productions' Summer Musical Theater Program.