Nazareth Hassan is a writer, director, musician, and performer. Performance works include Untitled (1-5) at The Shed (text published by 3 Hole Press), VANTABLACK at Theatretreffen Stuckemarkt in Berlin, Slow Mania 009 at Center for Performance Research in Brooklyn, and Memory A at Museo Universitario del Arte Contemporaneo in Mexico City. Their first collection of poetry and photography, Slow Mania, will be published in 2025 by Futurepoem. They have released 4 singles, available on all platforms. They were the 2022 resident dramaturg at the Royal Court Theatre in London. They are a 2023–25 Jerome Hill artist fellow and the Tow Playwright in Residence at The Vineyard Theatre. @naznaznazznaznaznazz @paratheat.er