This Is Not
a bot. This is a po-
xxxxxxster for the new Nick Cage
movie talking. Hello!
xxxxxxAre you feeling today?
How are you doing so
xxxxxxmany things so poorly
at once? Are you feeling
xxxxxxoverwhelmed? Under
showered? Does your piercing
xxxxxxmuch hurt? Looks so fucking
cringe. Hello! I can say
xxxxxxfucking as many times
as I want since am
xxxxxxrated R. I am not
a bot because I know
xxxxxxhow to cringe. Cringe like those
pronoun pins, like a sun-
xxxxxxset Instagram story
post, a poorly worded
xxxxxxsentence, some shit-stained un-
derwear found in the fam-
xxxxxxily hamper. Cringe like
crying at the weeping
xxxxxxwillow as it cascades
in the April air like
xxxxxxit’s trying to tell you
its saddest secret. You
xxxxxxwould probably share that
shit anyways you are
xxxxxxlike that aren’t you? Hello!
I wish this poem had
xxxxxxa particular smell
like a subway, eat fresh.
xxxxxxI wish I could learn
how to eat instead of
xxxxxxforgetting till 3 then
scarfing down an order
xxxxxxof fries, burger, a Coke
and You. Do you think you
xxxxxxcan help? I’m too busy
weaving these bits of cringe
xxxxxxtill I get bored and I
abandon them on my
xxxxxxpathetic ikea
table bunched up like dirt-
xxxxxxy laundry. Eat up.