The Poetry Project

Romance Virtual & Future Touch

Hector Canonge

19 de abril, 23:00 h.


notas numéricas estancadas en pantalla
una esperanza que no deja de timbrar
en la palma de una mano cansada
silenciando quejidos galopantes y sin rumbo
no relatar es ser valiente
callar y exclamar en suspiros entrecortados
para no revelar palpitaciones cortantes
en la espera de ese día
cambian los silencios roncos
y las miradas angustiadas
confunden los mensajes acongojados
con gemidos transitorios y obtusos
diez y nueve jornadas se escapan
confundidas entre el micrófono
y las teclas de un romance inestable
acentuado por la virtualidad mutante.

April 19th, 11:00 pm


numerical notes stuck on the screen
hope does not stop ringing
inside the palm of a tired hand
while muting the aimless galloping moans
not telling is to be brave
to silence and exclaim in ruffled sighs
is not to reveal cutting palpitations
just waiting for the day
hoarse silences begin to change
and the anguished looks
confuse the messages
with transitory and obtuse groans
nineteen journeys have escaped
confused between the microphone
and the keyboard of an unstable romance
accentuated by the mutant virtuality.

In this close-up self-portrait, Hector Canonge's is in a pool of water, his eyes closed, his face just above the water line

Work from Touch / Don’t Touch: Dis/Course with Gabrielle Civil
