keeping cannot the alone // edifice // imaginative interlocutor
diet constellations // as often //as conceived
utopian impulse // the remapping // reconstitutes the ordinary
everyday life // meaning // make disorder
layer & dialogue // & see // the hand arranging
letterwriting // conjuring opens // what if
presence // sufficiency // transit
I think of // you and you // are present
Sitting here we // socially arrange // or not
Scoops constitute // possible ways // out
Pieces // not intended // still I touch
Notation // made out of // devotion
Psychogeography // object not demotion // wander
Imaginary creates // a barrier // work around
Spreadable intimacy // + tractable // conductor cells
Also deadly sentences // almost almost // flex spectrum
Fuel of nonsense // what’s // forfeited in unambiguity
Accreted space //one night stand // collective strangeness
Impossible correspondence // competing fantasies // who are you instrumentalist
Proximal object // into speech // leave a voicemail