rubble implies something was there
to immerse
forms a thoughtxxxxxexamines
if it were the room where it happened
it becomes the examine room
or examine van or the examine invisible thought/ the bodyxxxxthe borders
operating under duress/ the urgency of the momentxxxxout/ get out/ lead
to into/ the arms are safe/ I am not here to/ hurt me in my past/ I know/ I am
trained to react to danger/ I couldn’t manage to pull offxxxxthe ethics of the after/ sadly
our revolution isxxxxconservative/ the personal ethos are out got out/ I am NOT
a slave/ rather enslaved got in/ all the little deaths throughout/xxgot out/ the
dayxxxxgot out/ the territory of the imagination is inxxxxgot inxxxxthe most
importantxxxxxthe most importantxxxxxthing to protect/ the territory of
the imagination