The Poetry Project

#3—February 1973

Events: George Schneeman showing 100 collages at the Fischbach Gallery
Announcements: P.E.N. offering $10,000 Translation Fellowships to enable writers to study foreign languages; Poetry Magazine awards Union League Civic and Arts Foundation Prize to Tom Disch
Readings: Donald Hall; Valentine's Day Group Reading of Love Poems; Lewis Warsh and James Koller; Ed and Jennifer Dorn; Michael McClure
Book publications: Easy Street, Harris Schiff (No Books, New York, 1973); Dreams, Peter Schjeldahl (Angel Hair, New York, 1973); Eat This, Tom Veitch (Angel Hair, New York, 1973)
Magazine and periodical publications: Telephone, issue 7, ed. Maureen Owen; Contact, ed. Jeff Goldberg; The Milk Quarterly 3, ed. Richard Friedman; Strange Faeces, guest-edited by Andrei Codrescu; Beaulines: Bolinas, Calif. paper publishing local poets (Joanne Kyger, Bill Berkson)
Workshops: Ted Greenwald now conducting Lorenzo Thomas' Friday night workshop
Bookstores and booksellers: City Lights, Discovery Bookshio (San Francisco); Cody's, Moe's Bookstore, and Serendipoty Books (Berkeley); Grolier's Book Shop (proprietor Gordon Cairnie) and Temple Bar Bookstore (both, Cambridge); Asphodel Bookshop (Jim Lowell, now in Burton, OH)
Calls for submission and information: The World, for a special translation issue edited by Ron Padgett; Panjandrum, for Frank O'Hara Supplement, edited by Bruce Boone; PPNL, for a survey of Poets at Schools and Universities, for listing in a future issue
Editor: Ron Padgett

