Volunteer and Intern Potluck and Reading

This evening, like every evening day or nighttime, is gathered in our shared and irrefutable incapacity. Who do we arrive with, and what does it mean to never arrive alone? Carolyn Lazard, Geelia Ronkina and Constantina Zavitsanos meet outside for a series of experiments in un/solicited advice, crip foresight, among other improvisational forms toward being together.
Accessibility Information
Outdoor, ASL, CART, amplification, seating, and wheelchair accessible, all gender, bathroom provided. The yard is not ADA accessible and may not work for all wheelchair users.
This reading will take place outdoors in the East Yard at St. Mark's Church around dusk. Seating is provided (but feel free to BYOBlanket if you like). ASL interpretation, CART, and open amplification will be provided. The readers will conduct their own Audio Description as integral to the reading. A wheelchair accessible bathroom is located inside St. Mark’s Church.
The wheelchair accessible ramp to the East Yard is on 10th St and 2nd Avenue. The East Yard is primarily densely packed dirt with some patches of grass, marked occasionally by flat stone grave ledgers that protrude an inch or two above ground. The yard itself is not ADA wheelchair accessible but some wheelchair users may choose to use the plywood path over the uneven ground beyond the ramp and sidewalk at their own discretion. Access Doula, Alex Dolores Salerno and Poetry Project volunteers will be available to support in wayfinding and navigation as desired.
Please feel free to email us at info@poetryproject.org with any questions or for more information on access to this event.
The event costs $8 but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.