Irene Silt & Syd Staiti

Advance ticket sales for the 49th Annual New Year's Day Marathon have closed. Please know we’ve also set aside a number of tickets to sell at the door, which will be available for $30 per section.
For almost fifty years, The Poetry Project has gathered poets, artists, and audiences on New Year's Day for a daylong celebration of poetry and its accomplices—music, dance, performance, and all manner of other provocations and experiments. Throughout the course of a hazy, time-altering day that turns edgelessly into a fever-dream night, The New Year's Day Marathon gathers hundreds of poets and performers from every corner of the creative demimonde, the radical margin, the flagrant underground—a true gathering of the many counter-cultural lineages from which we hail. From the moment we open the sanctuary gates until the time we say goodnight to the poetry ghosts, the New Year's Day Marathon welcomes thousands of audience members who come to participate in one of the world's longest-running events of poetic encounter and shared listening. Heart-breaking and -making, exhausting and exhilarating, rancorous and sweet, the New Year's Day Marathon is The Poetry Project's greatest possibilizer, the most surreal and sprawling literary event of the year.
This courageous circus and madcap effort is also The Poetry Project's biggest fundraiser. The money raised at the New Year's Day Marathon supports: over 65 events that reach thousands of attendees around the world; a breadth of creative and scholarly publications; curatorial and writing fellowships; emerging writer prizes; the hundreds of workshop attendees who join us each season; and the payments we make to the 500+ teachers, performers, readers, editors, technicians, lecturers, writers, curators, scholars, and critics we program each year. The Marathon is crucial to maintaining the working and learning community, the alternative economy of poetry, and the cultural anti-enterprise we have been collectively authoring for more than half a century.
We are absolutely thrilled to announce that on January 1, 2023, we will be returning to the sanctuary for The Poetry Project's 49th Annual New Year's Day Marathon. And we're so happy to share that the entire event will be livestreamed. However you join us, we hope that you do.
We're back. Come as you are, expect to leave new.
Part One (2:00–7:00PM): Kimberly Alidio; Basie Allen; Nuar Alsadir; Genji Amino; Stine An; Jonathan Aprea; Jaye Bartell; Jennifer Belle; Edmund Berrigan; Max Blagg; Ernie Brooks, Pete Galub, Jeannine Otis, Steve Shelley, & Peter Zummo; CAConrad; Stephanie La Cava; Che Chen & Talice Lee; Abigail Child; Jordan Davis; DAYS; Garrett Devoe; Douglas Dunn with Steven Taylor & Laura Brenneman; Marcella Durand; Tess Dworman; Ayano Elson; Kayla Ephros; Jared Daniel Fagen; Alan Felsenthal; Jameson Fitzpatrick; Foamola; Ed Friedman; Cliff Fyman; Peter Gizzi; John Godfrey; Suzanne Goldenberg; David Henderson; Lucy Ives; Emily Johnson; Patricia Spears Jones; Becca Kauffman; erica kaufman; Joseph Keckler; Shiv Kotecha; Benjamin Krusling; No Land with Luke Stewart; Brendan Lorber; Wendy Lotterman; Shanzhai Lyric; Filip Marinovich; Greg Masters; Airea D. Matthews; andriniki mattis; Iris McCloughan; Maggie Millner; Peter Mills Weiss & Julia Mounsey; Yesenia Montilla; Eileen Myles with Ryan Sawyer; Laura Ortman & Katherine Liberovskaya; Phoebe Osborne; Sarah Nicole Prickett; Diana Rickard; Jasmine Sanders; Samita Sinha; Jayson P. Smith; Stacy Szymaszek; Lynne Tillman; Edwin Torres; Aldrin Valdez; Anh Vo; Morgan Võ; Chavisa Woods; & Don Yorty
Part Two (8:00PM–1:00AM): Andrea Abi-Karam; Rachel Allen; Penny Arcade; hannah baer; Ivanna Baranova; Jess Barbagallo; Joan La Barbara; James Barickman; S. Erin Batiste; Jim Behrle; Anselm Berrigan; Allison Brainard; Anna Cataldo; Wo Chan; Yoshiko Chuma; Christeene; Lonely Christopher; Anthony Roth Costanzo with Bryan Wagorn; Kyle Dacuyan; Mike DeCapite; Cyrus Dunham; Ry Dunn; Mel Elberg; Will Farris; Carolyn Ferrucci; Jennifer Firestone; Kay Gabriel; Nick Hallett; Laura Henriksen; Erica Hunt; Juliana Huxtable; Charlene Incarnate; Stephen Ira; Paolo Javier; Kamikaze Jones with Liam O'Brien; Vincent Katz; Wayne Koestenbaum; Yvonne LeBien; Rachel Levitsky; Kyle Carrero Lopez; Tracey McTague; Roberto Montes; Dave Morse; Aida Muratoglu; Edgar Oliver; Funto Omojola; sadé powell; E.R. Pulgar; Macy Rodman; Lucy Sante; Nathaniel Siegel; imogen xtian smith; Andrew Smyth; Pamela Sneed; Rosie Stockton; Sara Jane Stoner; Rebecca Teich; Tony Towle; Cecilia Vicuña; Anne Waldman with James Brandon Lewis; Harron Walker; Nicole Wallace; Ronaldo V. Wilson; Ariel Yelen; & Mohammed Zenia
The Poetry Project's 49th Annual New Year's Day Marathon will take place over two five-hour periods with an hour break in between. The sections of the marathon will be ticketed separately with a limit of 300 tickets per section. Masks will be required while in the Sanctuary. In the Parish Hall, where we will be selling books, food, and beverages, masks will be optional.
Tickets are $25 per section in advance, $30 at the door.
Stay tuned for more info on hour-by-hour performers and other surprise opportunities we’ll be bringing together for the day!
Every year, we are so grateful to our volunteers for making the New Year's Day Marathon possible. If you are interested in volunteering please fill out this form with your preferences and a staff member will be in touch with you.
If you would like to attend but can't make it in person, you can register for the livestream here.