The Poetry Project

I Want a Wolf

Nicholas Goodly

I want a wolf with milk in his chest
with scraped knuckles and clipped nails
a wolf that dances vigorously
and badly with every handsome gift of a limb
the red of embarrassment in his eyes
I want a wolf with conviction a wolf with a 401k
who feeds an outside tomcat
and keeps an inside Dalmatian
I want a wolf with distinct style
who owns two black suits
wears beautiful sheer socks during sex
a wolf with a blue suit and skinny tie
hurries home to fuck the door down
silver pennies drooling from his gaping jaw
pickets trampled beneath his feet
his house is made of musical sticks
his shed made of peacock necks
I want a wolf who believes in women
an animal with another name at night
who calls the wild woods auntie
proud of his healthy gums
and robust bloody piston of a heart
I want a wolf hungry to swallow the world
who eats with his face pressed into the dinner table
our child climbs into his mouth

Work from My Smutty Valentine: Queer Kinships and the Poetics of Smut with Anchoress Syndicate
