- Announcements
- Brad Will 1970-2006
- Kari Edwards 1954-2006
- From The Past: 13, 18, 32, 33, 34 Years Ago In The Newsletter
- World News: Breaking Reports Just In From: Austin, Boston, Buffalo, The Catskills, Denver, El Paso, Fargo, Los Angeles, Lincoln, Marfa, Mexico City, Tangier, Vancouver, Washington DC
- Common Interests, Uncommon Hope: A Conversation With Howard Zinn
- Robin Blaser's Cosmic Companionship Of The Real: Charles Bernstein's Afterword To The Holy Forest: Collected Poems Of Robin Blaser
- Book Reviews: Amanda Nadelberg, Joe Elliot, Padscha Tuntha-Obas, Ed Roberson, Lytle Shaw, Samih Al Qasim, Valerie Fox, Anne Porter, Robert Creeley
- Visuals: Cover & Inside Art by Alliah Humber

210-newsletter.pdf (1.29 MB)