How does the poet write at the threshold –– of language, country, dream? What might it mean to write in the liminal forced by coloniality, occupation, exile? In this 10-week course, we’ll gather to think through books of poetry that approach these questions. We’ll also write and talk through our own poems-fragments-musings, with attention to our experiences of the liminal, and with respect for our particular processes and concerns.
- A Theory of Birds by Zaina Alsous
- Cutlish by Rajiv Mohabir
- eat salt | gaze at the ocean by Junie Désil
- Eyes Bottle Dark With a Mouthful of Flowers by Jake Skeets
- Ghost Letters by Baba Badji
Note: The books are relatively short, and we’ll have two weeks to read each. Please consider ordering them through your local bookstore or library.