The Poetry Project

#232 — October/November 2012

- Staff Letters: Stacy Szymaszek, Arlo Quint, Paul Foster Johnson
- Interview: Solar Transmissions: Shonni Enelow and Brent Cunningham
- Draft 113: Index: Rachel Blau DuPlessis
- Stutter: Daniel Tiffany
- Better Off Dead: The Poetry and Politics of Gwendolyn Brooks and CAConrad: Justin Sherwood
- Reading Calendar
- Reviews: Kendra Sullivan on Robert Ashley; Jeffery Berg on Susan Briante; Jeff T. Johnson on Justin Katko; Gregory Laynor on Christopher Nealon; Bill Kushner on David Trinidad
- Astrological Advice from Dorothea Lasky
- Cover and TOC Art: Amy Feldman

