- Staff Letters: Stacy Szymaszek, Nicole Wallace, Ted Dodson
- News & Announcements
- What You Said I Said We Said: Letters of Cynthia Gray & Douglas Piccinnini
- Two Poems: Morgan Parker
- Reviews: erika kaufman on John Coletti; Moriah Askenaizer on Cody-Rose Clevidence; Sara Jane Stoner on Samantha Giles; Randy Lee Maitland on Andrew Durbin; Justin Petropoulos on Angels of the Americlypse; Brenda Coultas on Todd Colby
- Reading Calendar
- Two Poems: Anselm Berrigan
- Jonas and the Beans Talk: Charity Coleman & Jonas Mekas
- A Poem: Anne Waldman
- Horoscopes: Lolly Wilowes
- Cover: Jane Freilicher, Peonies, 1989, charcoal on paper. All Jane Freilicher images courtesy of Tibor de Nagy Gallery.

242-newsletter.pdf (15.24 MB)