Como encarnación del sueño, ¿cómo puede la poesía alterar nuestras relaciones con las geografías coloniales y sus residuos espectrales? Este evento reúne a tres poetas cuyas obras trazan cartografías alternas de Centroamérica y el Caribe a través del trabajo onírico y revisiones de la historia, la ascendencia y el tiempo.
Participantes: Shyanne Figueroa Bennett (Estados Unidos); Edgar García (Estados Unidos); Wingston González (Guatemala)
As an embodiment of dreaming, how can poetry alter our relationships to colonial geographies and their spectral residues? This reading and following conversation (moderated by curatorial fellows) brings together three poets whose works trace alternate cartographies of Central America and the Caribbean through dream-work and re-visions of history, ancestry and time.
Featuring readings by: Shyanne Figueroa Bennett (US), Edgar García (US), and Wingston Gonzalez (Guatemala)
Este evento es presentado en asociación con el programa de marzo de 2021 de The Poetry Coalition, “Está ardiendo / Está soñando / Se está despertando: Poesía y Justicia Ambiental,” un programa de coalición apoyado por una importante donación a The Academy of American Poets de The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
This event is presented in partnership with The Poetry Coalition's March 2021 program, “It is burning. / It is dreaming. / It is waking up: Poetry & Environmental Justice,” a coalitional program effort supported by a major grant to The Academy of American Poets from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
We encourage enthusiastic readers and listeners to engage more deeply with Edgar García's work by purchasing his books. García's Skins of Columbus: A Dream Ethnography is available from Fence Books, and Signs of the Americas is available from The University of Chicago Press.
English and Spanish translations will be available.
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