The Poetry Project


Duration: A Generative Workshop; 5-Session Workshop with 최 Lindsay | Lindsay Choi

How does one formally communicate an experience of duration? Conversely, how does the experience of overlapping series of durations formally shape a poem? What might be the aesthetic affordances of playing with duration in poetry? Alongside the long poem, the serial poem, and poems that attempt to tell or contain a sequence of events through narrative content, we will consider anti-epiphanic modes of poetic expression, multi-modal forms, and theories of duration through writers such as Henri Bergson, Walter Benjamin, Sawako Nakayasu, Lyn Hejinian, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, and others.

Each of the five sessions of this workshop will include a discussion of a shared text, which we will read prior to the session, followed by reflection and the collective generation of prompts. These sessions will each culminate in a period of time for writing, and an opportunity to share either the writing itself or reflection on the process.
