the monger stops the janitor
for a chat
the monger stops the janitor
for a chat
this one’s salmon
this one’s tuna
this one’s halibut
these are sardines
this one’s cod
these are anchovies
this one’s herring
this one’s a mackerel
this one’s Mahi-Mahi
this one’s John Dory
this one’s turbot
this one’s black cod
this one’s skipjack
this one’s Arctic char
this one’s red snapper
this one’s a sea bream
and this one is a sea bass
the janitor squints
looks like fish to me
big push broom shuttling the
scales away
he clutches three in each hand
he sneers and they cower
they sneer and he howls
rose tinted drippings
the sound of a zipper
he whispers
manchester plays
oxford today
bloody bastards
better win
and they cheer
a fish wrapped in newspaper
given to the baby to read
the oldest and slowest wisdoms
the baby acknowledged with a cry
shelter! she shrieked find shelter!
pressing fish to cheek
the prisoner of love continued
freshly rotting each new day
by accident or mistake
one of the fish
gets shuffled in with the cash
the monger fails to notice
a clammy white tail
poking out from his wallet
the banker takes it
she washes her hands but
does that after every touch
the atm passes it out
in just one week
the fish is used to pay for
an oil change
a bag of candy
a seafood platter
tickets to Black Adam
a discount prescription for albuterol
discount ammo
lavender-scented candles
a toll
weeks and months
and years go by
the fish gets worn in two
then taped together again
and never retires
they’re still alive?!
the monger’s wife asked
not exactly
the monger replied
its just that they keep
eating and shitting
well why do you keep
feeding them?!
his wife asked
because they keep eating!
the monger screamed
angling back in his chair