The Poetry Project


Pritha RaySircar

Image description forthcoming
FM Radio

yellow chris    martin sings I am beautiful      skin bones 
   something k    nowable wrapped in min    or chords  
      my spine a     xylophone notes wee    p soft rich 
        moist I don    t want to disappoi     nt but hey 
           remember    when I arrived     you then 2
              5 our phot    ographs pin    ched crea
                   sed all        yellow I      need to 
think y      ou sa     w me t
    hen b     arel     y born
          blue         skin            
   as      som
     on   e
       a t

An Everyday Culture Prompt: The car radio playing during my drive back from Costco.
An Alphabet Prompt 
Love Letters 

draft #1

A thought I had
 / Before you left / 
Could you listen / 
Did you listen
 / Enough or ever
 / For once or never
 / Gah do I make
 / Human sense / 
I get that we en / Joyed each other
 / K like yeah maybe / Loved each other
 / Man like really / 
Nah like truly
 / Often I repeat / 
Prayers into the / 
Quiet morning / 
Riled up but mute / 
Stilled like our / 
Timed out connection / 
Unraveled, silent 
/ Vapor-like diffuse / 
Would I should I 
/ X-amine loss & / 
Y we are now lost/ 
Zippered with others
Love Letters 

draft #2

A thought I had
 / Before you left
Could you listen / Did you listen
Enough or ever / For once or never
 / Gah do I make / Human sense
I get that we en / Joyed each other / 
K like yeah maybe
 / Loved each other
 / Man like really / Nah like truly / 
Often I repeat / Prayers into the / 
Quiet morning / Riled up but mute / 
Stilled like our / Timed out connection / 
Unraveled silent / Vapor-like diffuse / Would I should I / X-amine loss & / 
Y we are now lost / Zippered with others / Anew.
Love Letters

Draft #3

A thought I had
Before you left
				Could you listen
Did you listen
Enough or ever
			For once or never
				Gah do I make
						Human sense						I get that we en
Joyed each other
K like yeah maybe
Loved each other
			Man like really
	Nah like truly
					Often I repeat

                                   Prayers into the	Quiet morning

Riled up but mute
					Stilled like our 
			Timed out connection
						Unraveled, silent
									Vapor-like diffuse
							Would I should I
				X-amine loss &

						Y we are now lost
								Zippered with others
Art of Accumulation

Sharp angular features, very orange 
biology, responsive speculative 
procedures, generated Asian features: 
plotting a group of people not unlike 
birds in the Amazon but more like 
D&D fantasy–speculative, wild, 
outpacing biology. Our reflective faces, 
spaces, ages mid-20s to 20 million, 
a video call is a hardmesh cg society, 
is a home for now, maybe.

An AI Prompt: a group of people on a video call, a screenshot, cg society, generative art, d&d fantasy magic, procedurally generated, sharp angular features, face features, responsive, speculative biology, reflective faces, asian features, mid-20s, plotting, hardmesh, very orange

Image description forthcoming

Work from The Art of Accumulation with Vi Khi Nao
